A Pro-Life Hospice!


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Official Ribbon Cutting for Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care
  • December 17, 2021

Official Ribbon Cutting for Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care

Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care has been a presence in Seguin, Texas, since 2019, offering its services to the terminally ill and their families and to those in need of palliative care. This past summer Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care moved to a new location in order to better serve the community. On Friday, October 22, 2021, they held a ribbon cutting ceremony for their grand opening of the newly-purposed facility.  

Early in the morning the medical director and his family along with the Gifted Hearts staff began preparations for the event. They hung monogrammed balloons inside and outside the building. They arranged refreshments on brightly covered tables. They added decorative touches throughout the building and made sure all was ready. 

Around 1:00 p.m. guests started arriving. They mingled indoors to get acquainted with the personnel and the facility until the official ribbon cutting time set by the Seguin Area Chamber of Commerce. At 2:30 p.m. the crowd comprised of friends, patients and their families, physicians, medical professionals, members of the Chamber of Commerce, and interested individuals from the community gathered outside with cheerful anticipation. 

The ceremony opened with a prayer offered by the Gifted Hearts Hospice chaplain. The medical director then welcomed the people and introduced himself, his family, and his staff. At this point the entire group lined up behind the giant ribbon for a quick photo shoot and when all were ready the medical director, assisted by his wife, his daughters, and the executive director of Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care, cut the ribbon as a public demonstration of the formal opening of the new location.

The ceremony proceeded with a speech by the medical director. He briefly defined hospice and palliative care and explained the reason for establishing Gifted Hearts. “Our mission is to provide high quality service and care to those with serious medical conditions who need palliative care and to the terminally ill of this community that keep them as pain and symptom free as possible; and to bring comfort, assurance, and support to their families and loved ones.”

He continued, “Our hospice service is in keeping with that facet of medical care that allows us into their homes at the most critical time: dying. This past summer my siblings and I—with our families—visited our parents.  When it was time to leave, my father told me he was sad at our parting. He explained that when it is just mom and dad alone they smile; but when everyone is together they laugh and eat and celebrate. We want to bring that spirit of celebration to the community. The essence of having people around you at the time of dying makes such a big difference.”

He spoke about the Pro-Life message of improving the quality of life, bringing dignity to patients, providing pain control, relief and comfort to the living and to the dying. “Our presence here is to reach out to those who struggle with medical conditions like COPD, cancer, heart disease, even COVID, and help them through the difficulties. And to the terminally ill: This is not about trying to prolong life. It is about allowing death to take its course with dignity and not pain.”

When he concluded his speech, the group filed into the building for refreshments and conversation. Members of the community took this opportunity to connect with each other and with the staff of Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care on a personal and a professional level.

Shortly after 4:00 p.m. the official grand opening and ribbon cutting ended. People continued to mingle briefly before leaving and eventually the building stood empty of guests. The remaining staff set about removing decorations and replacing furniture to prepare the facility for its daily operations.

Newly located at 1012 E. Court Street in the heart of Seguin, Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care offers the community and the surrounding areas of south central Texas hope and support for the terminally ill and their loved ones. 

Welcome and congratulations!


Gifted Hearts Hospice and Palliative Care in Seguin, TX, is a fully staffed facility available to patients who call South Central Texas their home.  It is nestled in the beautiful New Braunfels area as the best hospice near San Antonio, Texas.  It offers palliative care for patients of any age in any stage of illness.  It also offers all four levels of hospice care and maintains its motto: “Live until you Leave.”


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